понедельник, 28 мая 2012 г.

Mirror Mirror on the Wall…


Who is the fairest of them all… It will come as no great surprise to chaps who are forever kept waiting by their other half while she beautifies herself before a night out. The time the average woman spends perfecting her look in front of the mirror amounts to five days a year, researchers have revealed. Between them, British women use enough lipstick each day to draw a line from London to New York, on top of 880 gallons (4,000 litres) of foundation and more than 16 million sweeps of the mascara wand.

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Red light district


Red light therapy also known as collagen lamps therapy is one of the latest innovation in cosmetology. Clinical trials in the USA proved an efficiency of red light therapy in fighting with acne issues and the aging changes. 

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четверг, 24 мая 2012 г.

Nanocosmetics: in Hot Pursuit of Youth


In its eternal quest for the fountain of youth, the cosmetics industry is turning to nanotechnology as a hopeful cosmetic frontier. As humans yearn to improve their physical appearance, the cosmetics industry will continue its eternal pursuit to find the fountain of youth, inevitably increasing innovation and protecting those inventions with patent rights.

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среда, 23 мая 2012 г.

Forlle’d efficiency test


It is of great importance in skincare industry to consider the significance of conducting efficiency tests and experiments that prove the safety and value of the technology and products. The experiments should be transparent and disregard all the factors that may influence its accuracy.  This consideration is important for both, the skincare company in order to enhance its product and technology as well as the consumer who should be provided with sufficient data that will give him confidence with the products and the company. 

We are very glad to inform you that Forlle’d company carried the product efficiency test! It was made in an independent laboratory in Germany.  We have amazing results and can’t wait to share it with you. Keep track of new posts!



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вторник, 22 мая 2012 г.

Brand Marketing for Beauty Industry


The beauty industry as we know it has evolved into a multi-billion dollar industry. Today, it takes more than knowledge of plants and minerals for beauty brands to rise to the top. The competitive nature of the beauty industry demands smart marketing from brands that want to prosper.
When identifying the most successful brands in the beauty industry, a commonality amongst these brands is that they understand and communicate well with their audiences. The combination of passion, expertise, accessibility and gratitude make a perfect recipe for social media marketing success. Every brand has a unique role to play and cultivating that role and the relationship between the brand and the consumer is increasingly important.
It can't be random and arbitrary. The product behavior, message and voice need to be consistent and supported by the product aesthetics. When this is done seamlessly, the consumer intuitively connects with the product. When it's patch-worked together, the consumer doesn't buy the product again – even if he or she can't tell you why. As Alisa Marie Beyer from the Beauty Company said, “Women form deeply emotional attachments to their beauty brands and products, and look for ones they can immediately identify as ‘for someone like me’. It is critical that brands understand and take these emotional bonds into account or they run the risk of being left behind. You have to get inside her head and her heart.”
With thousands of brands to choose from, modern women are increasingly savvy about their beauty product purchases.  In the Digital Age, they can see what their friends like on Facebook, read the beauty buzz on Twitter, and consider the reviews found on their favorite beauty blogs and e-commerce sites.  So, it takes more than simply being a beauty brand today;  brands must find ways to smartly market to these beauty conscious women.



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пятница, 18 мая 2012 г.

Treatment by Cold


From saunas to steam rooms to hot stone massages, spas have traditionally turned up the heat. But while heat promotes relaxation and detoxification, the benefits of icy therapies – including better circulation and reduced inflammation of muscles and joints – are finally getting their due.
Infrared saunas, which direct radiant heat into the body without heating the air, are becoming more widespread, and more extreme cold and hot-cold-contrast treatments are on the rise. Many salons in the world now offer ice rubdowns after saunas, and spa-goers can experience falling snow in their 'ice rooms'. For hardcore ice devotees, there’s cryotherapy, where a person spends two to three minutes in a chamber cooled to a mind-numbing -120°C (-184°F).

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четверг, 17 мая 2012 г.

SPA Trends: Feet Treatment


The word "spa" conjures up images of long days filled with mud baths and meditation classes, exquisitely prepared spa cuisine, and fragrant eucalyptus groves. No doubt, spa relates to one of the most pleasant procedures in skincare and treatment, making our body helthier and encouraging our spirit. As in any sphere of beauty industry we can find here the trends, followed by many salons today. For example, one of the top global spa trends for 2012 is a feet treatment. 

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среда, 16 мая 2012 г.

Cosmeceuticals. Market Trends



The cosmeceutical category is neither static nor stagnant. It's an ever-changing and evolving market that functions beyond setting beauty fads. It introduces standards, unique and interactive innovation, trend setting and more. 
In 2009, nutricosmetics earned $2.1 billion, nutraceuticals garnered $6.5 billion, and cosmeceuticals came in at $11 billion, according to Young-Li Qian in her SupplySide West presentation on hot nutricosmetic ingredients.

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вторник, 15 мая 2012 г.

понедельник, 14 мая 2012 г.

Stem Cells in Skin Therapy


Stem cells have recently become a huge buzzword in the skincare world. But what does it really mean to use stem cells in skin care? Stem cells have the remarkable potential to develop into many different cell types in the body. When a stem cell divides, it can remain a stem cell or become another type of cell with a more specialized function, such as a skin cell.
It is impossible to incorporate live materials into a skincare product. Instead, companies are creating products with specialized peptides and enzymes or plant stem cells which, when applied topically on the surface, help protect the human skin stem cells from damage and deterioration or stimulate the skin's own stem cells.

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суббота, 12 мая 2012 г.

Dealing with Acne


Acne is one of the most common skin disorder. Nearly 85% of people will experience some form of acne during their lifetimes. When people think of acne, they think of teenagers, but acne can affect people throughout adulthood, as well. 
Looking good and feeling good go hand in hand. That's why we should consider acneic skin as a complex problem. Acne is an inflammatory lesion of the sebaceous glands and the first signs usually show up during puberty when there is an increase in the hormone androgen, which is especially active in stimulating the amount of oil produced by the sebaceous glands in the skin. This results in the extra production of sebum that combines with dead skin cells and other debris and becomes trapped, creating a plug that blocks the hair follicle. As the ducts of these glands become plugged with the waxy oil, blackheads and whiteheads form. They are frequently infected with bacteria, causing welts, deeper lumps and pimples. Besides, acne can have a devastating effect on self-esteem and confidence, and many acne sufferers even experience depression. 
The good news is that most acne can be treated with outstanding results. Today, acne can be treated without the harshness and discomfort of traditional cure that leave the skin red and irritated. First, to treat any form of acne, you have to deal with the three main factors—sebum, bacteria and enclosure. This can be done by using a three-tiered approach of professional esthetic treatments, a home care program and a healthy diet that includes nutritional supplements. Acne-prone skin can be addressed by controlling the excess sebum production and maintaining a proper moisture level.

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пятница, 11 мая 2012 г.

Grooming market Skincare trends


The male grooming market in the five major European markets combined – France, Germany, Italy, Spain and the UK generated €6.6bn in 2010. Germany took the biggest chunk at €1.6bn(Source: Men's grooming – Europe, Mintel, august 2011) 

Nika Lewis, Global Skin care analyst at Mintel, said: «Men show a huge interest in keeping young looking which has fuelled demand for skin care products that combat signs of fatigue, stress and ageing.»
3 main skin care trends: 
1. Avoiding parabens and phthalates in skin care goods 
2. Using of botanical and herbal products
3. Success of moisturizing or hydrating products

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четверг, 3 мая 2012 г.

Is It Possible to Replace Lost Collagen?


Most people are interested in maintaining beautiful skin despite aging and reducing wrinkles have heard about collagen. Collagen is a protein, a biological polymer consisting of amino acids that serves as a key building block of connective tissue such as skin, bones, ligaments, etc. Dermis, the inner layer of the skin, contains large amounts of collagen, its fibers are responsible for skin's mechanical characteristics such as strength, texture and resilience
With aging collagen is subject to wear, as it slowly breaks down over time. Skin cells called fibroblasts are capable of producing collagen. When needed, fibroblasts replace broken collagen fibers with new ones. Unfortunately, as we age the skin's ability to replace damaged collagen diminishes and more gaps and irregularities develop in the collagen mesh. This process eventually leads to wrinkles. Thus, a comprehensive approach to wrinkle prevention and elimination involves reducing collagen breakdown and increasing its supply. This task is achievable but you have to go about it the right way.
To reduce rather than just cover wrinkles, new collagen must become a part of the dermis. Unfortunately, under normal conditions collagen molecules are too large to penetrate into the dermis when applied to the surface of the skin. However, there are methods that somewhat increase permeability of the skin to some types of large molecules. 
Stimulating skin cells to produce collagen can partly reverse this process. Stimulating collagen synthesis in aged skin was shown to reduce wrinkles and improve skin texture. The benefit of stimulating your own collagen production is that collagen is deposited in an orderly, structured manner and that there is no risk of allergy, immune reaction or injection-induced infection.
Stimulation of collagen synthesis in aging skin is realistic and can substantially improve the appearance of fine lines and even deeper wrinkles when done correctly. However, it often requires a comprehensive approach. The following things are needed to efficiently produce collagen:
Vitamin C
Key amino acids 
Copper peptides

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среда, 2 мая 2012 г.

10th Anti-ageing Medicine World Congress: together we have the power


Many great actors said that nothing could be more valuable than high grade and interest of colleagues. And they were absolutely right. 

We felt it after the presentation of Forlle’d technologies at the «10th Anti-ageing Medicine World Congress» in Monaco. Mazen Raydan gave a lecture about the reduction of the size of Hyaluronic acid to a nano ionized particles, globally patented Forlle’d technology. We got great response. Month left and we still receive letters from professionals.  We are opened to collaboration!
Reduction of vital substances to nano particles is a trend in cosmetology and cosmeceutics. It make possible to substance to penetrate in the deep layers of the skin therefore to treat inside.  In experts point of view it is the future of skin care.
Beyond dispute each company should be self-sufficient. But if we want the field of anti-ageing cosmetology and cosmeceutics to develop it is necessary to communicate, to share the experience with colleagues. In this sense such events like Anti-ageing Medicine World Congress are very helpful. After Monaco forum we came back full of inspiration and hope, will please you with our products!

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