The cosmetic doctor, Daniel Sister, has introduced it to the UK. The idea is that a doctor draws vials of patient’s own blood, and then separates it into the red blood cells, the clear serum and the platelets. Then, after vitamins and amino acids have been added, the enriched serum is injected back into the face. Platelets gradually increase collagen, which can increase skin thickness and overall health of skin.
In a recent study from Italian Skin Institute, patients were injected in the face and neck once a month for three months. The study showed «visible anti-age results and no serious side effects”. The procedure gains popularity among women.
The actual process takes 30 minutes. It involves the following steps:
1. Blood is removed from a patient (20ml);
2. Then it centrifuged and the Platelet Rich Plasma is removed;
3. Then it introduced into the skin using a special roller.
Blood injections can be made in any area of body and face, including skin around the eyes and chest. Because of using the own patient’s blood there is no risk of allergic reaction, but next side effects are possible: slight redness, swelling and bruising may occur immediately after the treatment, but will fade away over the following days.
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