Unfortunately, stress has become a general presence in our lives. At work, in relationship with friends and family – most of us take it for granted that there is nothing unusual about stressful situations occurring on a regular basis, day after day. Stress works insidiously to undermine body, mind and emotions and the complexion because how we feel on the inside could be affecting how we look on the outside.
When a person becomes stressed, the level of the body’s stress hormone (cortisol) rises and it leads the following negative effects on complexion:
1. Acne
In one study, researchers examined the severity of acne in 20 college students during final exam week. Students who were more highly stressed by their exams had worse acne than calm, less stressed students. In other research, relaxation therapies have been shown to reduce the severity and incidence of acne.
2. Itchy, ugly rashes
Epidermal skin cells lie on top of each other and are packed tightly together, forming a strong barrier that blocks the penetration of bacteria and other pathogens. When the person feels stress this protective outermost layer of skin becomes impaired.
Stress caused the outermost layer of skin to break up as skin cells shrank and the lipids between these cells evaporated. These tiny cracks make the skin more permeable, allowing harmful bacteria to infiltrate the deeper layers of skin. For example, stress can make psoriasis worse.
3. When stressful situations become frequent, the skin is consistently starved of both blood and oxygen, making it dull and lifeless, less supple, less hydrated and more prone to appearance of clogged pores and breakouts.
4. Beyond the direct physiological effects of stress, patients under stress also tend to neglect or abuse their skin. For example, they often lack the energy and motivation to adhere to their skin care regimens, and there also might be signs of stress-related behaviors — such as scratching, pulling or rubbing — that can exacerbate problems.
Here are some important tips to prevent stress damage:
• Healthy food. Fruits and vegetables rich in antioxidants can help scavenge free radicals generated by stress.
• An adequate amount of quality sleep can help recharge and rejuvenate the body, making it more resilient. Lack of sleep can lead to tired lifeless skin and circles under the eyes.
• The daily warm oil self-massage is recommended as a luxurious way to balance the body, mind and emotions and moisture the skin.
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