In fact, we «shed» our entire skin about once a month, and as fast as we «shed» those cells, our body makes new ones to replace them. Often when we develop imperfections such as sunspots or scars, they only affect the top few layers of skin. So to remove those imperfections it is necessary to remove those layers of skin.
That's where a chemical peel can help.
It removes layers of skin so that newer, healthier skin cells can surface. In the process, blemishes and other imperfections are peeled away. Depending on the extent of the damage, one treatment might not completely eliminate imperfections, but it can make them much less obvious.
As far as chemical peels go, glycolic acid peels are among the mildest and most popular. That's largely because glycolic acid is considered to be natural. It comes from sugar cane and belongs to a family of acids called alpha-hydroxy acids or fruit acids.
During a glycolic acid peel, the solution is applied using a sponge and left on the skin for a predetermined amount of time based on concentration. It penetrates the skin and breaks the bonds that hold each layer together. Once the desired number of layers have been separated and removed, the acid can be washed off with water.
Glycolic acid peels are mild when compared with some of their more hazardous counterparts, and as a result the outcome might not be as noticeable as you'd like. It's typical that multiple peels will be necessary to achieve the desired result. The upside is that there are very few complications associated with glycolic acid peels.
Treated areas are generally red and tender for days after the treatment, and depending on the type of peel, these side effects could last for weeks. With glycolic acid recovery time is usually rather quick. In fact, a complete recovery can be expected in about a week.
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