Beauty is a harmony of body and soul. Internal harmony is inextricably linked with healthy body and mind. It can be archived by using thousand-year experience of traditional Chinese medicine. One of the most valuable beauty experience is reflexotherapy.
It is an impact on the biologically active points also known as points of acupuncture. Primarily the procedure is aimed on improving the overall body condition. It is an injection of thin needles into acupuncture points – places on body and face where are a lot of nerve endings and blood vessels. The skin, face muscules and then the nervouse system react on this impact.
The human face has about two hundred thousand nerve endings that are associated with central nervous system. Face skin is a multi-layered structure. There are different zones on diffrent depths which are responsible for biological activity of organism.
Each of them can be influenced by the different techniques of introducing a needle into acupuncture points on the face (different depth and penetration angle).
There is an individual approach for each client. Chosen method of pricking acupuncture points on the face and body depends on the characteristics of complexion.
The therapeutic effect of the program improves the general condition, normalizes the digestive and nervous systems. Local improvements are achieved by stimulating the metabolism, improving blood and lymph circulation, increasing muscle tone.
Skin benefits are:
• Wrinkles reduction
• disappearance of dark circles and baggy skin below the eyes
• Improved skin tonus and elasticity
• Narrowed pores
• Healthy and fresh skin color
This technique is safe and painless, it gives a feeling of whole-body well-being and a glowing complexion.
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