Myostimulation is a process of using pulse current for muscle’s natural recovering. When an electric current passes through our tissues, it increases the intensity of metabolic processes, changes the physical state of cell proteins and as a result – the muscles begin to contract.
Myostimulation as a treatment method is known for over 20 years. With its help it is possible to train muscles without physical activity – that's why the method was originally used for bed patients The same principle works for the muscles which are impossible to train, for example, face muscles and then doctors discovered a notable anti-aging effect.
"Smart" current improves blood circulation, destroys the fat accumulation, through it intensely cleans, and the skin becomes elastic.
Face myostimulation gives long-term, stable rejuvenation effects:
• correction and firming of face oval;
• strengthening of superior eyelid muscles;
• restoration of skin turgor;
• removing ”bags” under eyes.
• general tone of face and neck is improved,
• face skin acquires beautiful healthy color,
• small mimic wrinkles are smoothed.
Thanks to stimulation of face muscles, natural face tightening takes place, the face acquires clear oval. Thanks to improvement of metabolism in tissues, reduction processes are boosted.
Face myostimulation, due to favourable influence on nervous and endocrine system, helps to improve mood and vital tone.
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