Bioelectricity is the body’s natural signalling process. When our brain tells our body to do something, it does so with electrical pulses.
It is also a key factor in the healing of wounds. Low levels of bioelectricity are generated by the injured tissue, producing extra elastin and collagen to rejuvenate and repair the skin.
Now, after some years of research, scientists claim to have discovered how to harness these currents and has developed a cream that promotes skin rejuvenation and anti-aging by using the body’s natural wound-healing abilities. Such cure can create low-level micro-currents to help rejuvenate the skin.
So how exactly does bioelectricity work and is this really a breakthrough in anti-ageing skincare? Scientists studied if it is possible to apply the same sort of bioelectricity to the cells that they do when they’re healing to get an increase in cell regeneration.
The new products come in two parts. Each part consists of a concentrate containing zinc and copper particles and a separate activating moisturiser which is meant to create a micro-current of electricity over the skin, stimulating collagen and elastin production.
But dermatologist always look for evidence when it comes to a medical or anti-ageing breakthrough. They want to see studies and tissue samples showing a change in texture, wrinkling and collagen formation. Still there are no complete studies to prove new bioelectrical skin care work. Many cosmetologists believe that the turning point in anti-ageing and skincare will most likely come through diet, sun protection and possibly stem-cell research.
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