On the video you can see how Ultra Low molecular Hyaluronic acid penetrate into the deep layers of the skin, fills it with water and vital substances and makes it healthier and younger. The technology is based on the discoveries of Nobel Prize winner Koichi Tanaka.
As you know many companies in anti-ageing industry add Hyaluronic acid in their products. This products works but only on the surface of your skin. It is obvious because Hyaluronic acid molecule is huge, it is bigger than skin cells, so it can’t penetrate deeply.
Until recently the only decision was using injective methods. This method has disadvantages due to the fact that it damages the skin, and limits its daily application
Forlle’d technology makes it possible without injections. Forlle’d products contain reduced Hualuronic acid molecule just 5 nanometers wide, which allows it to penetrate deep into the skin and most important, these small molecules don't lose their effectiveness and can rejoin again in the skin.
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