Approximately 5 per cent of the UV radiation hitting the skin is reflected. The remaining 95 per cent passes into the tissue, gets scattered and then passes out again, or gets absorbed by molecules in the various layers of the epidermis and dermis.
UVA rays are longer than UVB so they can penetrate more deeply through the skin’s surface where they kill collagen and elastin, which makes your skin slack and floppy, and cause dry, leathery, blotchy skin. How wrinkled your skin gets depends largely on how much sun you have been exposed to in your life. People, who spend a lot of time outside without adequate protection, develop leathery skin earlier, which makes them look older than they are.
UV radiation has many effects on the skin as a result of its absorption by skin molecules, called chromophores, the most important of which is DNA. After UV absorption, DNA undergoes chemical changes. If these alterations are not repaired, they can be highly disruptive to the way cells function. Now it is known that even small amounts of sunlight on the skin can cause DNA damage throughout the entire thickness of the epidermis. Fortunately, most of this is repaired within days, although some permanent damage may remain. The absorption of UV radiation by skin chromophores and the irreparable damage are considered the main causes of visible skin damage.
If we want to look tan, without the risk, we should use sunless tanning creams, sprays or mousses. A sunless tan gives our skin protection from the sun if there is SPF included in the product.
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