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вторник, 11 декабря 2012 г.
вторник, 27 ноября 2012 г.
Dr Rashmi Shetty tips for daily care: clay masks
“Cleopatra loved them, so did Queen Nefertiti and it’s no secret that a clay mask can be a great one of the best pick-me-ups for the skin.
Good cosmetic clays conditions and nourishes your skin by removing the dead cells and extracting the extra oils and impurities from the surface of the skin. One should apply clay a mask regularly as it can impart a natural glow to your face. “
Things to add to the clay mask
- Oats
- Buttermilk and cold milk
- Honey
- Essential oils
- Orange peel
- Herbs like chamomile and lavender
Home remedies
A good clay mask is easily made at home. You can store it in a jar or give it to someone as a gift:
For all skin types:
This is a skin soothing mask.
- White clay 1/2 cup
- Oats, grounded 2 tbsp
- Milk or buttermilk powder 1 tbsp
- Honey 1 1/2 tsp
To apply, mix two teaspoons with an equal amount of water or any other liquid (milk, herb tea, or aloe vera juice). Spread evenly over your face. Leave on for about 10 minutes. Gently remove with warm water and a washcloth. Apply a homemade moisturiser. Mix and store in a covered jar or bag in your bathroom.
Normal skin:
Oily skin:
Combine fuller’s earth with calamine lotion and apply it all over the face and neck. Can also use this on the back.
Acne prone skin:
Combine green clay (it’s great for drawing out impurities) and about three tablespoons of aloe vera gel in a bowl. Add some orange peel to this as well as an essential oil (can use lavender or tea tree varieties) that suits your skin. Spread over the face and neck avoiding the eye area. Keep it on for 15 minutes, rinse and dry the face.
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понедельник, 26 ноября 2012 г.
PERSON of the week: Dr Bollywood
Dr. Shetty is a pioneer in non-surgical aesthetic medicine in India. She was one of the doctors who pioneered Botox and Fillers, in India. Dr. Rashmi Shetty is also known as the Bollywood Doctor, she has remarkable aesthetic sense and a clientele that includes Bollywood, television celebrities
Her passion: creating beautiful faces. It gives her immense pleasure when she sees her patients regain their confidence and beauty. She personally believes that cosmetology gives fabulous results when art and science come together.
Her special interest: injections. It requires an experienced hand and precise knowledge of every pore;
Dr Rashmi Shetty about Perfect face: Ishwarya Rai Bachchan is Bollywood's most coveted actress. We get maximum requests for Aishwarya Rai's narrow jaw line and high cheekbones. Most people still think of her as the one with a perfect face," reveals cosmetic physician. But hey, do you realize that they may not be so perfect on you? The famous Angelina Jolie lips or the Priyanka Chopra nose, let’s face it, look best with the rest of that particular face. Angelina’s lips for one, will only look good on an angular face (and with Brad Pitt on your arms!) It’s important to bring out the best of yourself instead of chasing a star nose, lips or any other feature in singularity.
Some of her findings over the years: I have learnt, however, that beauty is really in the eye of the beholder. Earlier I would think since I'm the doctor, I know what to do and they are all going to love it. But now I’ve realised what is beautiful to me may not be beautiful to someone else. That's why we go through a long consultation phase where in I find out whether what I'm trying to create is really what the patient wants. What’s more, I teach them to appreciate the finer details of these treatments.
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четверг, 11 октября 2012 г.
The hero of the day: Hyalogy Platinum Lotion
Antioxidant and Detoxifying Lotion
The Platinum Lotion is a unique Forlle'd product, composed of three bio-technological complexes with powerful antioxidant properties and detoxifying effects.
1. The primary complex of patented low-molecular ionized Platinum deactivates all types of active oxygen. It also potentiates the action of other antioxidants.
2. A second complex of Ultra Low-molecular Hyaluronic Acid and 7 Amino acids provides the skin with polysaccharides which are vital for recovery functions within the dermal matrix.
3. A third complex of Mediterranean Aloe, Chlorella and Kudzu extracts stimulates cell metabolism and stabilizesthe ionic balance, and has strong anti-inflammatory and anti-allergic effects.
Hyalogy Platinum Lotion suits all skin types and any age. Highly recommended for atonic skin, in the case of hyperpigmentation problems, and also for oily problem skin.
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среда, 3 октября 2012 г.
The unique healing properties of Platinum
Forlle’d is launching two new products of Hyalogy Platinum line. Face cream and Hyalogy Platinum Eye cream will extend the range of the products based on ionized low molecular Platinum. The expected release date is January 13, 2013. Now Hyalogy Platinum line consists of Platinum Lotion, Essence and Mask.
Main reasons of ageing and healing properties of Platinum.
In both cases oxidation reaction release free radicals, which are important for human skin in moderate quantity, for example they eliminate bacterial infections. On the other hand the accumulation of these substances causes rusts and rots as it happens in nature. Human body undergoes such reactions as well due to the fact that it gets oxidized from 2 % of oxygen inhaled, stress or additives taken. Some metals like platinum or gold has the ability to prevent rusting which also works for skin, by changing oxygen to something harmless such as water for example. Beside numerous quantity of discovered anti oxidants such as Coenzyme Q10, polyphenol, vitamin C or lipoic acid, platinum and gold have proven to be the most active anti oxidants, since they work against wide range of oxidants and act as catalyst which means it doesn’t lose its activity once they react with oxidants and remains active as long as it stays in the skin.
Hyalogy Platinum line developed to control photo-ageing process by improving skin’s antioxidative ability to control photo-ageing, troubles resulted by the accumulation of free radicals and decline in its cellular activity.
Low molecular Platinum Hyalogy
Platinum particle size is very important since it determines its activity and safety, for example Particle size of 1/8,000 ~ 1/10,000 mm has metal dispersibility in an aqueous solution of 8000 ~ 10000 times/ 1mm, which form for a colloidal substance with limited physical pulverization. This kind of colloidal platinum has poor electrical and thermal conductivity plus weak absorption. Forlle’d technology have managed to reduce the size of platinum particles to 1/1million ~ 1/10 millions through a high-tech ionization process with dispersibility of metal ion 1 million ~ 10 millions/1mm. This allows water to become closest to the electric conductivity that metal has which is very crucial to its antioxidative function.
Beside its anti oxidative function, platinum boosts the activity of body cells; this fact has been explained through various researches that were related to their impact on human body and problems related to their deficiency.
Average temperature of human beings is 36.5 0C which is 10 microns when we convert it into wavelength. When we expose human body to far-infrared radiation of about 10 microns, like those emitted by the sun, they give kinetic energy to molecules which have electric polarity (such as water molecule), this is because two wavelengths are piled up and the amplification occurs, a phenomenon called resonance. When molecular movements are activated, cellular movements are also activated. The bloodstream increases and the metabolism become active. Platinum is one of three metals that have a wave length of 4-14 microns which is called growth ray, since it activates body metabolism and cell growth.
Platinum has been authorized as food additive, but it also depends on whether it is inorganic compound or organic compound. Hyalogy’s ionized platinum has become an organic mineral through the process of fermentation. It is pentavalent organic compound like those found in fish or Hijiki which causes no harm to human body unlike trivalent.
Hyalogy platinum has 0.2-20 nm particle can go into the horny layer from the surface. Due to its size it gradually gets permeated into the cells in horny layer and gradually pushed out (the horny layer gets pushed out as dirt). In short, it activates the turnover of the skin. Since the particle’s dispersion is good, the workability as a surface is high. By combining platinum with titan, gold and silver, the electric current is sent from high electric potential to low. On the opposite, it produces electron, so the antioxidant function works more effectively. Arbutin low-molecular ceramide as well as hyaluronic acid make a perfect combination with Hyalogy platinum to fight photo ageing skin.
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среда, 19 сентября 2012 г.
Molecular cuisine. Gastronomy Latest Trend
Don’t be surprised. We are still writing about Beauty and Skincare innovations.
But .. we can’t ignore such relative trend in sphere of Gastronomy.
Molecular gastronomy is scientific approach to cooking.
It’s based on uniting knowledge that fundamental science gives, summarize all kinds of culinary phenomena that occurred throughout the history of gastronomic art and modern innovative technologies.
Chef Ferran Adrià (Spain) is one of the founders of Molecular gastronomy. The press has dubbed him the "Salvador Dalí of the kitchen" because of his creative approach to cookery.
Ferran Adrià prefers the term 'deconstructivist' instead of "molecular gastronomy» to describe his style of cooking.
Whatever you call it you have definitely heard of emulsification, specification, foam and powders! For those of you that think it’s about using “unnatural additives” you have another thing coming to you. All of the additives used in MG are plant derived, and furthermore you are already consuming them in your everyday food products, you just don’t realize it.
Have you ever seen the dinner of the cosmonaut? Molecular food looks like the best dinner in his life
Bio availability (In cosmos the metabolic processes progress slowly that’s why the food of cosmonaut has such specific form) and unique taste!
Ferran Adrià said «If I like a good steak, you can serve that to me, and I'll enjoy it. But it will never be an once-in-a-lifetime experience.»
If you want to try something unique here you can find restaurants with Molecular cuisine: http://www.molecularrecipes.com/molecular-gastronomy-restaurants-molecular-mixology-bars/
If you want to cook something unique, follow this link: http://www.moleculargastronomynetwork.com/
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среда, 15 августа 2012 г.
Skin care tips for men
Here are some common beauty tips for men’s skin:
• Cleansing is the most important thing to do for the skin. It should be the basis of skin care regimen, but that doesn’t mean reaching for a simple soap. Men’s skin typically has large pores and very active sebaceous glands. While these glands are critical for keeping the skin naturally moist, they can often produce too much sebum. Neglecting to wash away the excess oil and dirt can clog pores, which leaves the skin prone to breakouts. It’s necessary to use a cleansing gel every morning.
• Exfoliation should make an appearance in the skin routine (just two to three times a week). It helps dislodge debris that normal washing can’t touch. A good scrub should have granules to help smooth the skin and eliminate the dullness that results from normal pore clogging and dirt build-up. Exfoliation also softens hair follicles for a closer, less-irritating shave and allows the skin to better absorb moisturizers.
• Moisturizing. Showering and shaving open up pores and allow precious water to escape, but a light moisturizer can fix everything. It replenishes the skin’s moisture content and prevents razor burn.
A moisturizer with SPF will also provide a critical shield against the sun.
• The skin around the eyes is the only area that actually deserves special attention, because men don’t age the same way that women do. Instead of a slow progression of fine lines and wrinkles, men’s aging occurs in quantum leaps, and one of the first visible signs of aging comes from the skin around the eyes. The soft, thin layer of skin that surrounds the eye is especially prone to developing creases and crinkles long before other parts of the body begin to show their age. All of this can be prevented with regular use of an eye cream. It smoothes and protects the fragile skin.
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