Dr. Shetty is a pioneer in non-surgical aesthetic medicine in India. She was one of the doctors who pioneered Botox and Fillers, in India. Dr. Rashmi Shetty is also known as the Bollywood Doctor, she has remarkable aesthetic sense and a clientele that includes Bollywood, television celebrities
Her passion: creating beautiful faces. It gives her immense pleasure when she sees her patients regain their confidence and beauty. She personally believes that cosmetology gives fabulous results when art and science come together.
Her special interest: injections. It requires an experienced hand and precise knowledge of every pore;
Dr Rashmi Shetty about Perfect face: Ishwarya Rai Bachchan is Bollywood's most coveted actress. We get maximum requests for Aishwarya Rai's narrow jaw line and high cheekbones. Most people still think of her as the one with a perfect face," reveals cosmetic physician. But hey, do you realize that they may not be so perfect on you? The famous Angelina Jolie lips or the Priyanka Chopra nose, let’s face it, look best with the rest of that particular face. Angelina’s lips for one, will only look good on an angular face (and with Brad Pitt on your arms!) It’s important to bring out the best of yourself instead of chasing a star nose, lips or any other feature in singularity.
Some of her findings over the years: I have learnt, however, that beauty is really in the eye of the beholder. Earlier I would think since I'm the doctor, I know what to do and they are all going to love it. But now I’ve realised what is beautiful to me may not be beautiful to someone else. That's why we go through a long consultation phase where in I find out whether what I'm trying to create is really what the patient wants. What’s more, I teach them to appreciate the finer details of these treatments.
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