Here are some common beauty tips for men’s skin:
• Cleansing is the most important thing to do for the skin. It should be the basis of skin care regimen, but that doesn’t mean reaching for a simple soap. Men’s skin typically has large pores and very active sebaceous glands. While these glands are critical for keeping the skin naturally moist, they can often produce too much sebum. Neglecting to wash away the excess oil and dirt can clog pores, which leaves the skin prone to breakouts. It’s necessary to use a cleansing gel every morning.
• Exfoliation should make an appearance in the skin routine (just two to three times a week). It helps dislodge debris that normal washing can’t touch. A good scrub should have granules to help smooth the skin and eliminate the dullness that results from normal pore clogging and dirt build-up. Exfoliation also softens hair follicles for a closer, less-irritating shave and allows the skin to better absorb moisturizers.
• Moisturizing. Showering and shaving open up pores and allow precious water to escape, but a light moisturizer can fix everything. It replenishes the skin’s moisture content and prevents razor burn.
A moisturizer with SPF will also provide a critical shield against the sun.
• The skin around the eyes is the only area that actually deserves special attention, because men don’t age the same way that women do. Instead of a slow progression of fine lines and wrinkles, men’s aging occurs in quantum leaps, and one of the first visible signs of aging comes from the skin around the eyes. The soft, thin layer of skin that surrounds the eye is especially prone to developing creases and crinkles long before other parts of the body begin to show their age. All of this can be prevented with regular use of an eye cream. It smoothes and protects the fragile skin.
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