Antioxidant and Detoxifying Lotion
The Platinum Lotion is a unique Forlle'd product, composed of three bio-technological complexes with powerful antioxidant properties and detoxifying effects.
1. The primary complex of patented low-molecular ionized Platinum deactivates all types of active oxygen. It also potentiates the action of other antioxidants.
2. A second complex of Ultra Low-molecular Hyaluronic Acid and 7 Amino acids provides the skin with polysaccharides which are vital for recovery functions within the dermal matrix.
3. A third complex of Mediterranean Aloe, Chlorella and Kudzu extracts stimulates cell metabolism and stabilizesthe ionic balance, and has strong anti-inflammatory and anti-allergic effects.
Hyalogy Platinum Lotion suits all skin types and any age. Highly recommended for atonic skin, in the case of hyperpigmentation problems, and also for oily problem skin.
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