Staying out of the sun, staying hydrated and enjoying a healthy diet rich in fruits and vegetables promotes healthy skin all over our bodies, however, there are a few ingredients that can be added to our daily skin care regimen that can ward off wrinkles, discoloration and puffiness that tend to show up around the eye area. Because the delicate skin around the eyes contains few oil glands, it can easily become dry, making fine lines and wrinkles much more prominent. By moisturizing often, we can plump up the skin around the eyes so that fine lines and wrinkles are less pronounced.
One of the most effective means of keeping the eye area looking youthful and line free is through the use of peptides short strings of amino acids which mimic processes in our bodies thus giving cues to our body’s natural system of repair to increase collagen production,
lymphatic drainage and micro-circulation.Skin care products containing peptides tend to be more expensive than some of their less advanced counterparts, but they yield results that are not possible through the application of moisturizers alone.
Applying antioxidants to ward off free radical damage is another essential part of a healthy skin care routine, as antioxidants both heal and protect delicate skin. Vitamin C is another important antioxidant when carring for the fragile skin around the eyes as it strengthens skin cells and prevents pigment discoloration while fighting free radicals.
One of the most important ways to keep ourselves looking young and healthy is by taking good care of our bodies and paying special attention to the area around our eyes when performing our daily skin care routine.
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