Most people are interested in maintaining beautiful skin despite aging and reducing wrinkles have heard about collagen. Collagen is a protein, a biological polymer consisting of amino acids that serves as a key building block of connective tissue such as skin, bones, ligaments, etc. Dermis, the inner layer of the skin, contains large amounts of collagen, its fibers are responsible for skin's mechanical characteristics such as strength, texture and resilience.
With aging collagen is subject to wear, as it slowly breaks down over time. Skin cells called fibroblasts are capable of producing collagen. When needed, fibroblasts replace broken collagen fibers with new ones. Unfortunately, as we age the skin's ability to replace damaged collagen diminishes and more gaps and irregularities develop in the collagen mesh. This process eventually leads to wrinkles. Thus, a comprehensive approach to wrinkle prevention and elimination involves reducing collagen breakdown and increasing its supply. This task is achievable but you have to go about it the right way.
To reduce rather than just cover wrinkles, new collagen must become a part of the dermis. Unfortunately, under normal conditions collagen molecules are too large to penetrate into the dermis when applied to the surface of the skin. However, there are methods that somewhat increase permeability of the skin to some types of large molecules.
Stimulating skin cells to produce collagen can partly reverse this process. Stimulating collagen synthesis in aged skin was shown to reduce wrinkles and improve skin texture. The benefit of stimulating your own collagen production is that collagen is deposited in an orderly, structured manner and that there is no risk of allergy, immune reaction or injection-induced infection.
Stimulation of collagen synthesis in aging skin is realistic and can substantially improve the appearance of fine lines and even deeper wrinkles when done correctly. However, it often requires a comprehensive approach. The following things are needed to efficiently produce collagen:
• Vitamin C
• Key amino acids
• Copper peptides
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