One of the world’s foremost experts in the field of hair restoration, Dr.Sanusi Umar, suggests transferring leg hair follicles to balding areas of the head. His study and researches proves that leg hair can grow atop heads and can be groomed, styled and cut just like normal hair.
In the interview to New York Times, Dr. Umar claims that leg hair is able to produce a finer and more natural appearance as opposed to the hair of the back and the sides of the head that are usually used in restoration.
His study cites two of his patients who had leg-hair procedures performed on their hairlines about six years ago. (He waited to publish his findings so he could prove that the leg hair doesn’t eventually fall out). Umar has done such transplats on men and women, brunettes and blondes, he says. About 80 percent of the transplanted leg hairs grow successfully. A typical hairline transplant requires about 1,200 new follicles. The cost is $8 to $10 per follicle (or $9,600 to $12,000). The time needed to recreate a hairline: five to six hours.
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